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Government of South Australia - Department of State Development

    Freedom of Information

    The Freedom of Information Act 1991 (SA) (FOI Act) promotes openness and accountability within the South Australian Government and facilitates public participation in government decision making.

    The FOI Act gives members of the public a legally enforceable right to access documents – subject to certain exemptions – held by South Australian Government Agencies, local government authorities, statutory and regulatory bodies and South Australian Universities. The Act also gives you the right to apply to have your personal records amended if the information is incomplete, incorrect, out-of-date or misleading.

    Further useful information around the aims and objectives of the FOI Act can be found on the State Records of South Australia.

    FOI Information Statement

    Pursuant to the provisions of Section 9(2) of the FOI Act, the Information Statement of the Department of State Development (DSD) can be found at DSD FOI Information Statement.

    Making an FOI application

    In accordance with the FOI Act, applications must:

    • be made in writing
    • specify that the application is made under the Freedom of Information Act 1991
    • include your name and an address in Australia to which information can be sent (an email address is sufficient)
    • be accompanied by the application fee (exemptions apply for Members of Parliament and Commonwealth Concession Card holders)
    • clearly identify the documents being sought or the matter to which they pertain
    • specify if the documents contain your personal information
    • request the form of access you are seeking, for example, specify if you require a copy of the documents or you wish to inspect the documents.

    All requests can be made online at Make a Freedom of Information Request.

    Determination Logs

    The department proactively publishes all non-personal information released to applicants under the Freedom of Information Act 1991 (FOI Act). These can be viewed at Determination Logs.

    DSD Corporate Policies

    • Accounts Payable
    • Active Directory Password Policy
    • Agency Security Policy
    • Alcohol and Drugs Policy
    • Asset Management Policy
    • Budget and Financial Management Policy
    • Business Continuity Management Policy
    • Committees and Working Groups Framework
    • Complaints Management Policy
    • Consultation, Cooperation and Coordination Policy
    • Corporate Policy and Procedure Management Policy
    • Cyber Security Program Policy
    • Delegations and Authorisations Policy
    • Domestic and Family Violence Policy
    • Employment Policy
    • Fraud Control Policy
    • Freedom of Information Policy
    • Gifts and Benefits Framework
    • Governance Framework
    • Grants and Subsidies Policy
    • Health and Wellbeing
    • Income Management and Banking Policy
    • Information Security Policy
    • Interpreting and Translating Policy
    • Information Security Policy
    • Interpreting and Translating Policy
    • Meal and Entertainment
    • Media Policy
    • Mobile Phone Policy
    • Motor Vehicle Policy
    • Performance Development Policy
    • Procurement Framework
    • Project Governance and Benefits Realisation Policy
    • Records Management Policy
    • Respectful Behaviours Policy
    • Risk Management Framework
    • Social Media Policy
    • Strategic Communications (incl Sponsorship) Framework
    • Taxation Policy
    • Travel Policy
    • Travelling with Electronic Devices Policy
    • WHS Duties and Legal Obligations Policy
    • WHS&IM Planning Policy
    • WHS&IM Policy Statement CE Commitment
    • WHS&IM System Review Policy

    More information

    Enquiries relating to accessing documentation held by DSD can be directed to:

    Freedom of Information Unit
    Department of State Development
    Phone 1300 117 088

    General information relating to the FOI Act and access to documents including the review process can be found on the State Records of South Australia website.

    Contact the Department's Freedom of Information Unit