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Government of South Australia - Department of State Development

    Information Statement

    Pursuant to the provisions of Section 9(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 1991 (the Act), the following details are provided as part of the Information Statement of the Department of State Development (DSD) which is an agency as defined under Section 4(1)(c) of the Act.

    Structure and functions

    DSD consists of a number of business units including attached offices. For more information see:

    There are no formal arrangements which enable members of the public to participate in the formulation of the department’s policies and the exercises of the agency’s functions. From time to time consultation is undertaken when it is deemed appropriate to engage the public in the formulation of specific policy.

    Documents held within DSD

    Documents held by DSD fall broadly into the categories described below. Documents can be requested in hard copy or electronically unless advised otherwise. The listing of these categories does not necessarily mean all documents are accessible in full or in part under the FOI Act.

    The categories include:

    • Agendas, minutes and correspondence
    • Annual reports, departmental functions and strategic plan
    • Communications material
    • Contracts, procurement and tender information
    • Employee records
    • Financial expenditure, invoices and statements
    • Framework, guidelines, policies, procedures and reports
    • Information relating to areas that are the policy responsibility of DSD

    Documents available from DSD without charge

    • brochures
    • pamphlets
    • posters
    • information packs
    • forms
    • discussion papers
    • strategic plans
    • newsletters
    • fact sheets
    • media releases
    • annual reports
    • consultation papers
    • booklets
    • guidelines
    • frameworks
    • reports

    Making an application to access or amend documents

    Any person is able to exercise their right to access information held by the Department of State Development under the Freedom of Information Act 1991 by requesting documents.

    All requests can be made online at Make a Freedom of Information Request.