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Government of South Australia - Department of State Development

    South Australia's Defence Industry


    Meeting future demand starts now

    South Australian workers and businesses will play a critical role in our nation’s security to deliver some of the largest and most complex defence projects ever undertaken in Australia.

    Ensuring that South Australia’s defence industry can deliver these ambitious projects demands a concerted effort spanning government, industry, educational institutions and unions.

    The Australian and South Australian Governments are funding a suite of initiatives designed to build on the state’s existing industrial capability to develop a skilled and experienced defence industry workforce.

    This is good news for anyone looking for secure, well-paid and meaningful work in South Australia’s defence industry, with supported career pathways for existing defence industry workers, graduates, and students across the school, VET and higher education sectors.

    For South Australian defence industry and supply chain businesses, this significant investment is designed to secure the robust and capable pipeline of talent required for the future.

    Contribute to this national endeavour by engaging with government on the implementation of the SA Defence Industry Workforce and Skills Action Plan or host a prospective defence industry employee as an intern, trainee or apprentice.

    Estimated workforce demand

    Over 11,000defence industry workers in the 2040's
    Estimated defence industry workforce in the 2040's including direct jobs and supply chain.
    4,000 to 5,500jobs to build nuclear-powered submarines
    The estimated number of jobs created to build the nuclear-powered submarines in South Australia.
    4,000additional construction workers
    The estimated number of additional workers for the design and build of the submarine construction yard at Osborne.
    South Australian Defence Industry Workforce Demand

    Estimated workforce demand to 2040

    The current South Australian Defence Industry workforce is around 5,500 including 3,500 direct jobs and a further 2,000 in supply chains. This is forecasted to grow to more than 11,000 by the 2040s including 8,500 direct jobs and 2,900 in supply chains and supporting activities.

    This graph demonstrates two key findings: demand for engineering and operations skill sets will experience steady growth from 2025; and there will be a significant and enduring need for skills within the operations job family, predominantly in trade and technician roles.

    In addition to the jobs shown, up to an additional 4,000 workers will be employed to design and build infrastructure for the Submarine Construction Yard at Osborne, where Defence will start building Australia’s nuclear-powered submarines by the end of this decade.

    Defence industry connection program promotion

    View Defence Industry Connection Program opportunities

    Offering paid industry placements, the South Australian Government’s new Defence Industry Connection Program is designed to support university students into defence industry careers.

    Prospective students and host employers are now invited to learn more through AI Group.

    Engineering is Elementary

    Engineering is Elementary

    Chloe's success

    Questacon’s Engineering is Elementary program is a free professional development opportunity designed to enhance teachers’ skills in delivering STEM education.

    Chloe Heffernan, a STEM coordinator from South Australia’s Flaxmill School P-6, utilises Questacon’s Engineering is Elementary program in her classroom and recognises the importance of an early introduction to science, technology, engineering, and maths (STEM).

    “Primary school kids are the key. If you don’t engage them early in STEM thinking, by high school it’s too late,” Heffernan said.

    “The program makes such a difference. It builds a positive STEM identity for our kids. It’s not even a ‘lightbulb’ moment for them, it’s like their brains are exploding!”

    “It’s so much more than just learning the concepts; a key benefit is the growth mindset. If students haven’t been exposed to STEM, they think there’s just one right answer to a question. By adding the real-world context though, they suddenly understand that they’re trying to actually fix things and make a difference.”

    Questacon delivers the Engineering is Elementary program nationally and are supported by the Australian Department of Defence.

    The program is recognised in the SA Defence Industry Workforce and Skills Action Plan for its impact, engaging South Australian primary school students in STEM learning to shape their early career aspirations.

    Defence Industry Strategies

    SA Defence Industry Workforce and Skills Action Plan – 2024 Update

    WEB SAWDIST 741 394

    SA Defence Industry Workforce and Skills Action Plan (2023)

    SA Defence Industry Workforce and Skills Report (2023)

    Sign up to receive information on supports relating to South Australia’s defence industry, including opportunities to build your business or career.


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