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Government of South Australia - Department of State Development

    Determination Logs

    Freedom of Information Determination Logs

    The department proactively publishes all non-personal information released to applicants under the Freedom of Information Act 1991 (FOI Act).

    Documents or excerpts of documents which include the personal affairs of an individual will not be disclosed online. Similarly, documents which can be claimed as exempt material pursuant to Schedule 1 of the FOI Act will not be disclosed online. Documents which are considered defamatory or those which represent a breach of confidentiality or could be expected to cause harm to a person, will also be exempt from disclosure online.

    In line with Premier and Cabinet Circular PC045 – Disclosure logs for non-personal Information released through Freedom of Information disclosures are removed from this page 12 months after publication.

    Where a document is not able to be published, or for disclosures older then 12 months, access may be requested by contacting the DSD FOI Unit.

    Department determinations

    Date of determination

    Reference Number

    FOI Request



    All modelling, briefings, memos, correspondence and emails provided by the Department to the Minister or Ministers office, from 1 January 2020 to 31 March 2022, that provide information and advice to the government on Boosting Apprenticeship Commencements (BAC) and Completing Apprenticeship Commencements (CAC) and expected impacts of these programs concluding on apprenticeship and traineeship commencement numbers.



    Email requesting missing grant report due 31 July 2019 and when the missing report was submitted to the department (Date Range: 6/01/2020 to 31/12/2023)



    An up-to-date document outlining the number of SAES1, SAES2, MAS1, MAS2, and MAS3 employees who are on leave with pay, in addition to the length of time they have been on leave for. Please report each classification discretely, e.g. the number of SAES1's and their respective duration of leave, the number SAES2's and their duration of leave, etc.



    Any correspondence between the department and Mighty Kingdom (Date Range: 20/08/2024 to 04/11/2024)



    All documents and emails between the department and Mighty Kingdom relating to the Kitty Keeper grant investigation conducted by the department. Any correspondence between the department and any other department or person relating to that fraud investigation in any way.



    Emails referencing Kitty Keeper, Kitty Keeper grant or progress reports between the company (Mighty Kingdom), the department and the Department of Premier and Cabinet between 1/02/2021 and 30/04/2021



    Emails exchanged between the Department, Mr Daley, the Premier’s Office, Minister for Innovation and Skills, the Crown Solicitor’s Office and Mighty Kingdom between 1/10/2021 and 24/12/2021 regarding the grant awarded to Mighty Kingdom Pty Ltd for the Kitty Keeper Game



    Letter sent to Mighty Kingdom in January 2020 regarding the missing grant progress report due 31 July 2019 showing when the report was requested and when it was received (Date Range: 1/01/2020 to 30/11/2020)



    Email sent to Mighty Kingdom in January 2020 regarding the missing grant progress report due 31 July 2019 (Date Range: 1/01/2020 to 1/08/2020)



    Access to information regarding the recent decision to “Not Invite” Registration of Interest (ROI) entries lodged under various occupations, such as Chef, Motor Mechanic, and Enrolled Nurse. Specifically (excluding personal details of individuals): 1. Total Number of ROIs Lodged: The total number of Registration of Interest (ROI) forms lodged for the financial year 2024-2025 to date. 2. Total Number of “Not Invited” ROIs: The total number of ROIs that have been given a “Not Invited” status. 3. Affected Nominated Occupations: A list of nominated occupations affected by the “Not Invited” status under these ROIs. 4. Details of ROIs Lodged and Nominated Occupations: A breakdown of the ROIs lodged to date, including the corresponding nominated occupations. 5. Written Communications or Meeting Records: Copies of any written communications, correspondence, or minutes of meetings between the Department of State Development and the Department of Home Affairs regarding the decision to “Not Invite” these ROIs. (Date Range: 1/07/2024 to 17/11/2024)



    All briefing documents or memos provided to the Chief Executive, the Executive Director of Student Pathways and Careers or the Minister for Education, Training and Skills, relating to the NCVER apprenticeship and trainee data March quarter report 2024. All correspondence or other documents provided by the Communications directorate to the Minister for Education, Training and Skills or his office, relating to NCVER data (Date Range: 1/09/2024 to 10/10/2024)



    All briefing documents or memos provided to the Chief Executive or anyone at Executive Director level or above, or the Minister for Education, Training and Skills, relating to the NCVER apprenticeship and trainee data March quarter report 2024. All correspondence or other documents provided by the Strategic Communications and Customer Experience directorate to the Minister for Education, Training and Skills or his office, relating to NCVER data (Date Range: 1/09/2024 to 10/10/2024)



    Access to emails between the department and Mighty Kingdom concerning the Intellectual Property Rights in the game Kitty Keeper between 14/01/2019 and 1/03/2019.



    Access to File No MIN22/00060 'SAFC Adelaide Studios: Lease to Lot Fourteen Tenant" and any communication between the Department and the Department of Premier and Cabinet, Convergen or SAFC in relation to Convergen Pty Ltd operations at Lot 14 and the shifting of its operations to SAFC's Adelaide Studio.



    All correspondence between DSD, Adam Reid and Mighty Kingdom relating to an investigation, and the requested and supplied information from Mighty Kingdom showing ownership of the Kitty Keeper Game and intellectual property between 1/06/2020 and 28/09/2020.



    Documents relating to Mighty Kingdom and Kitty Keeper between 8/02/2018 and 30/09/2020.



    All information exchanged between DIS and the company Mighty Kingdom between 13/12/2017 to 31/01/2018.



    All emails sent between Mighty Kingdom and the Department for Innovation and Skills between 31/07/2020 and 31/12/2020.



    All correspondence to/from any senior executive staff (Director level and above) and Vice Chancellors, Deputy Vice Chancellors or University Council members of the University of Adelaide and/or the University of South Australia. Any diary entries and/or minutes of meetings involving senior executive staff (Director level and above) and Vice Chancellors, Deputy Vice Chancellors or University Council members of the University of Adelaide and/or the University of South Australia. Any briefings relating to the university merger provided to the Chief Executive, the Deputy Premier or their offices (from 1/09/2023 to 21/05/2024).



    Documents regarding the South Australian Young Entrepreneurs Scheme (SAYES) from 21/03/2022 to 28/05/2024.



    Access to documents relevant to the compilation of the Function Information Sheet and Ministerial briefing prepared by DIIS titled ‘Morning Tea with Members of Norwood Parade Precinct Committee – 31 May’ dated 17 May 2023, including advice.



    Information related to subclass 190 visa.



    Internal review of FOI2024/00005 - Copies of the 6 progress reports that were submitted for the Kitty Keeper Grant that Mighty Kingdom received in 2018.



    Copies of the 6 progress reports that were submitted for the Kitty Keeper Grant that Mighty Kingdom received in 2018.



    Internal review of FOI FOI2023/00041 - Documents between the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science and the Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science, relating to the Research and Innovation Fund, between 1 January 2023 and 21 November 2023.



    Internal review of FOI2023/00038 - All memos and briefs between the Executive Director Industry and Workforce Capability and the Chief Executive between 1 July 2023 and 21 November 2023.



    All electronically searchable documents mentioning or related to the firm of Citadel Secure, Mr David Searles, Ms Cressida O’Hanlon or Mr James O’Hanlon. Dated 17/03/2022 to 29/01/2024.



    All documents between the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science and the Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science, relating to the Research and Innovation Fund, between 1 January 2023 and 21 November 2023.



    All memos and briefs between the Executive Director Industry and Workforce Capability and the Chief Executive between 1 July 2023 and 21 November 2023.



    All memos and briefs between the Executive Director Portfolio Delivery and the Chief Executive between 1 July 2023 and 21 November 2023.



    All documents between the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science and the Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science, relating to the South Australian Small Business Strategy 2023-2030, between 1 January 2023 and 21 November 2023.



    All documents between the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science and the Minister for Small and Family Business, relating to the South Australian Small Business Strategy 2023-2030, between 1 January 2023 and 21 November 2023.



    All memos and briefs between Executive Director Research and Innovation and the Chief Executive between 1 July 2023 and 21 November 2023.



    Any briefings, minutes, correspondence or other documents provided by the Department to the Minister or her office, or the Premier or his office, related to the proposed merger between the University of Adelaide or the University of South Australia. (From 1/09/2023 to 29/09/2023).



    Correspondence from Peter Hanlon to the South Australian Film Corporation, the Department and the Minister between 1 August 2021 to 31 December 2021.



    Correspondence, minutes or briefings received by the Department from the University of Adelaide or the University of South Australia regarding merger plans or proposals. Also any briefings, minutes, correspondence or other documents provided by the Department to the Minister or her office, or the Premier or his office, related to the proposed merger between the University of Adelaide or the University of South Australia. (From 12/07/2023 to 31/08/2023).



    Documents, including emails, briefings, correspondence and meeting notes, from the Office of the Chief Scientist and the Chief Scientist to the Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science for the period 1 June 2023 to 30 August 2023.



    Documents, including emails, briefings, correspondence and meeting notes, from the Office of the Chief Scientist and the Chief Scientist to the Department for Industry, Innovation and Science for the period 1 June 2023 to 30 August 2023.



    Copies of documents including but not limited to emails, briefings and memorandums regarding executive coaching, including names and titles of executive employees who have undertaken executive coaching, number of sessions, copies of invoices, name of service providers and cost. (From 21/03/2022 to 25/08/2023).



    Any briefings or correspondence related to the Joint Committee on the Establishment of Adelaide University provided to any Executive Director or the Chief Executive, and/or the Deputy Premier or her office. From 06/07/2023 to 09/08/2023.



    Correspondence, minutes or briefings received by the Department from the University of Adelaide or the University of South Australia regarding merger plans or proposals. Also any briefings, minutes, correspondence or other documents provided by the Department to the Minister or her office, or the Premier or his office, related to the proposed merger between the University of Adelaide or the University of South Australia. (From 25/05/2023 to 12/07/2023).



    All documents related to advice addressed to the Minister for Innovation and Skills regarding usage or tenancy arrangements for "Artisan Post Group", "Convergen" or "Jumpgate VR" at Adelaide Studios.



    All documentation regarding the complaints process.



    Correspondence, minutes or briefings received by the Department from the University of Adelaide or the University of South Australia regarding merger plans or proposals. Also any briefings, minutes, correspondence or other documents provided by the Department to the Minister or her office, or the Premier or his office, related to the proposed merger between the University of Adelaide or the University of South Australia. (From 11/03/2023 to 24/05/2023).



    All lists of stakeholders used by the Department when seeking to consult with stakeholders and interested parties in relation to Creative Industry and or music policy and/or grants.



    All letters, emails or other documents from Hon. David Pisoni regarding usage or tenancy arrangements for "Artisan Post Group", "Convergen" or "Jumpgate VR" at Adelaide Studios. From 17/03/2018 to 22/03/2022.