The South Australian Business Creditor Assistance Scheme (“the Scheme”) is part of the broader SA Government package to support the continued operation of South Australian businesses which have been directly impacted by OneSteel Manufacturing Pty Limited (Administrators Appointed) (“OneSteel”) being placed into administration on 19 February 2025. OneSteel’s business activities include the Whyalla Steelworks, South Australian iron ore mining assets and some related operations.
Grants of up to $5 million are available to South Australian Businesses that are owed one or more eligible debts by Designated Entities (refer Part 1: South Australian Creditor Assistance).
Whyalla Based Businesses that are owed one or more eligible debts by Designated Entities, totalling $5,000 or more, can apply for an interim payment of up to a total of 50% of the eligible debt, capped at $1 million (refer Part 2: Whyalla Creditor Assistance – debts over $5,000). The total cap of $5 million per Grant per Employer Group applies regardless of whether an interim payment is paid under the Scheme.
The Department of State Development (“DSD”), working in collaboration with the Department of Treasury and Finance (“DTF”), will administer the Scheme. The Scheme is designed not to interfere with the administration process that is underway. Key parameters of the Scheme include:
- All grants will be conditional upon the applicant:
- registering as a creditor and participating in the administration process, including submitting proof of debt to the Administrator
- not being double-compensated in respect of the eligible debt
- formally assigning to the SA Government the benefit to any dividend or other proceeds payable to the applicant out of the assets of the company, in the applicant’s capacity as creditor.
- confirming their intention to continue to operate during the administration process.
- Grants will only be provided for eligible debts.
Only one application for a grant under the Scheme can be submitted per Australian Business Number (ABN) i.e. if an eligible business is owed multiple debts by OneSteel, a single application must be submitted for the total amount owed to that eligible business.
Whilst applications are to be submitted per ABN, for the purposes of determining grant amounts and the application of the $5 million cap, applicants will be considered as, and the cap will be applied to, an Employer Group (where relevant) within the meaning of Part 5 of the Payroll Tax Act 2009 (SA). The Treasurer or their delegate reserves the right to determine, in their reasonable opinion, whether an applicant forms part of a given employer group.
Any grant payments made under the Scheme will be made at an entity rather than group level and the individual recipient entity will be required to enter into grant terms and conditions.
Applicants with a trade credit insurance policy are eligible to apply under this Scheme for eligible debt to the extent that amounts are not recoverable or claimable under the policy.
In addition to assistance available under this Scheme, eligible applicants may be able to access further support under the Whyalla Small Local Business Support Grant program. Employees who are concerned about their entitlements should contact the Fair Entitlements Guarantee scheme for assistance.
The Treasurer or their delegate holds ultimate discretion over eligibility for this Scheme and there is no entitlement to payment under this Scheme.