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Government of South Australia - Department of State Development


    SA research attracts national funding

    A vote of confidence in South Australia’s research capabilities, the Australian Government has awarded our state significant funding through Round 14 of its Cooperative Research Centres Projects (CRC-P) program.

    Of the 24 successful projects nationwide, four CRC-Ps involving South Australian universities, research institutes and industry members received grants totalling $6.79 million – a total value of around $15.9 million including matched funding from other sources.

    Project partners and summaries are listed below.

    Applications are now open for Round 15 of the CRC-P program and close 14 September 2023.

    Cooperative Research Centres and Projects are Australian Government initiatives funding industry-led collaborations between industry, researchers and end users.

    The Australian Government established CRCs and CRC-Ps to support research of national priority – pooling resources to help solve major industry problems and exporting these solutions to the world.

    The South Australian Government provides additional support to the 10 Cooperative Research Centres that are either headquartered or have a significant node in South Australia (5 headquarters and 5 nodes).

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    14th Sep 2023

    World-class talent to drive SA’s green industrial transformation