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Government of South Australia - Department of State Development


    16th Jun 2023
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    Adelaide jumps 33 places in global startup rankings

    On 15 June Startup Genome released its Global Startup Ecosystem Report, which revealed that the Adelaide startup ecosystem has increased 33 ranks in the past year alone.

    While this short term trend is fantastic news for South Australia, it’s also part of a longer term growth trend, with Adelaide jumping 17 spots in the ranking over the past four years. Over the same period, the value of Adelaide’s startup ecosystem increased an incredible 347 per cent from $348 million in 2020 to a massive $1.56 billion in 2023.

    With startup ecosystems consistently growing across the globe, maintaining a stable ranking is already a big achievement, so for Adelaide to increase its ranking by such a large amount is testament to the enormous success of our ecosystem.

    I encourage you to check out the Adelaide page on the Startup Genome site, which DIIS sponsored with partners Lot Fourteen and the Adelaide Economic Development Agency.