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Government of South Australia - Department of State Development

    Primary and secondary education


    School-based initiatives will shore up our future pipeline of skilled workers, equipping students with the requisite knowledge and understanding to pursue science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) careers in the defence industry sector.

    At the secondary level, initiatives must continue to encourage engagement in STEM and broaden the focus to raise awareness of STEM careers and pathways. The proposed initiatives encourage industry and the education sector to work together to inform career choices and equip students with the necessary baseline skills to continue through the STEM pipelines – either as school leavers or through vocational or higher education qualifications.

    Supporting measures

    In addition to the key education and training initiatives required, there are a number of supporting measures that underpin the implementation of these initiatives including, Evidence-based decision-making, Strategic communications and outreach, Skilled migration, and Security clearances.