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Government of South Australia - Department of State Development

    Higher education


    The initiatives recognise the need to increase targeted support to the university sector, particularly through Commonwealth Supported Places, while also improving the links between universities and the defence industry.

    The initiatives are targeted to meet the workforce requirements outlined in the South Australian Defence Industry Workforce and Skills Report. They include practical wraparound assistance, including security clearances and scholarships for eligible undergraduates, and on-the-job familiarisation activities to smooth the transition.

    These initiatives for undergraduate degrees will have a medium-term impact on the skills pipeline. A STEM-based university degree takes an average of four years full time to complete, with further specific on-the-job training required.

    Supporting measures

    In addition to the key education and training initiatives required, there are a number of supporting measures that underpin the implementation of these initiatives including, Evidence-based decision-making, Strategic communications and outreach, Skilled migration, and Security clearances.