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Government of South Australia - Department of State Development

    Career Transition Service

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    Workers navigating redundancy can access personalised career counselling to support their transition into another role or career.

    Delivered by RDA Eyre Peninsula (RDAEP) in partnership with Resources and Engineering Skills Alliance (RESA), the Career Transition Service aims to equip each participant with a tailored career plan, which may include referrals to free accredited training.

    This training, subsidised by the South Australian Government for contractors and workers impacted by the current downturn in Whyalla’s steelmaking, includes access to opportunities such as:

    • Fee Free TAFE and other vocational education and training (VET) courses available on the Subsidised Training List,
    • Recognition of Prior Learning,
    • Accredited occupational tickets and high-risk licences (e.g. forklift, whitecard, first aid, confined space, elevated work platform).

    To access career counselling and these no-cost training opportunities, register with the Career Transition Service or visit:

    Career Transition Service

    Offices of Whyalla City Council

    21 Grundel St, Whyalla Norrie SA 5608

    Operating Monday to Friday