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Government of South Australia - Department of State Development

    Innovation Leaders Network

    Header ILN

    Unleashing growth potential through peer-to-peer knowledge sharing.

    Facilitated by the Department of State Development, the Innovation Leaders Network is a new platform to foster the exchange of knowledge and inspire collaboration between seasoned entrepreneurs and emerging startups.

    Through the Innovation Leaders Network, members of the South Australian startup and innovation community will be able to access:

    • Business Acumen events Hear from experienced speakers, panellists and subject matter experts on topics of interest.
    • Boardroom Lunch events Exchange knowledge, experiences and ideas in an informal lunch setting.
    • ILN Leadership programA capability-building program for the next generation of South Australian business leaders.
    • ILN Mentorship programConnecting up-and-comers with the expertise and guidance of more experienced business founders.
    Innovation Leaders Network SA

    To be informed as Innovation Leaders Network opportunities arise, sign up to receive email updates

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