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Government of South Australia - Department of State Development


    South Australia’s green revolution: harnessing renewable hydrogen

    The world is demanding that economies decarbonise to avoid the risk of catastrophic climate change, so it is critical that South Australia transition to cleaner, renewable sources of energy – and that we navigate this transition in a way that continues to support our quality of life while safeguarding the planet for future generations.

    South Australia is well-placed to make this transition and benefit from the opportunities.

    The state has a world-leading renewable energy penetration rate, with SA Government data showing throughout 2023 there were 289 days where renewables met all of South Australia’s consumption demand for part of the day.

    But electrification is only part of the solution.

    The SA Government's Hydrogen Jobs Plan aims to build a world leading renewable hydrogen power plant, electrolyser and storage facility near Whyalla by early 2026.

    Hydrogen is a versatile molecule that can be used:

    • to store renewable energy for longer periods of time, to be converted back to electricity when needed
    • to augment or replace natural gas in our gas networks
    • as a transport fuel, for example replacing diesel in hydrogen fuel cell trucks or buses
    • as a chemical feedstock, for example to manufacture ammonia as agricultural fertiliser.

    Green hydrogen is expected to create thousands of jobs, develop a hydrogen export industry, and create new opportunities for industry sectors to decarbonise their processes.

    The new Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Act 2023 is making it easier to unlock South Australia’s abundant wind and solar resources by providing a 'one window to government' licensing and regulatory system for large-scale hydrogen and renewable energy projects.

    The Hydrogen Jobs Plan presents enormous opportunities for innovation and economic growth, and a reliable energy source to help us reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions.

    The Department for Industry, Innovation and Science, through the SA Industry Capability Network (ICN), is helping prepare business and industry to benefit from these opportunities.

    We can increase local manufacturing of net zero goods and services all the way along the hydrogen supply chain, from local manufacture of solar panels and components of wind towers, water desalination and purification, electrolysers, gas turbines, hydrogen fuel cells and downstream production of ammonia.

    These projects will need a range of goods and services, including civil works, electrical connections, professional services, engineering and manufacture of structural components.

    Businesses that have an interest in, and the capability to, supply to hydrogen and associated projects can register their company's capabilities on ICN Gateway, and submit expressions of interest against relevant projects, for example the Hydrogen Jobs Plan and associated opportunities, and the Northern Water Project.

    Bettina leads the SA Industry Capability Network office in the Department for Industry, Innovation and Science, and has worked as a chemical engineer in the oil and gas industry in South Africa, Germany and Australia. She will be leading a webinar as part of Small Business Week on Tuesday 30 April about The Value of ICN for Small Business.

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