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Government of South Australia - Department of State Development


    Small business engagement and roundtable discussions

    The Department’s Office for Small and Family Business (OSFB) team has had a busy few months consulting with small and family business owners right across the state.

    Thank you to the 1200+ people who completed the whole-of-state small business survey, providing invaluable business insights all the way from Cooper Pedy to Mount Gambier!

    In addition to the survey, business owners were invited to have their say by attending a targeted interview, or one of more than 20 roundtable discussion held across metropolitan Adelaide and regional South Australia.

    Feedback harnessed through this consultation period will shape the South Australian Government’s Small Business Strategy, for release early 2023.

    The aim of this consultation period has been to ensure future investment, policy and programs are best suited to industry need.

    Up Next

    8th Nov 2022

    Suite of programs to support women in business now available