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Government of South Australia - Department of State Development


    SA Government announces Small Business Week for 2024

    South Australia’s Small Business Week is set to take place from 29 April to 3 May 2024, with a week-long program of events, workshops, and information sessions to help small businesses grow and succeed.

    Delivered by the Office for Small and Family Business in partnership with the Small Business Commissioner, the Commissioner for Consumer and Business Services and the SA Industry Advocate, the week will provide fresh insights and trends for the state’s 150,000 small businesses.

    With the full program to be released in early 2024, a highlight will be a half-day expo showcasing the programs, resources, and opportunities available from the South Australian Government, its delivery partners and organisations that support small businesses.

    Activities will be delivered in person and online, with event topics and resources to focus on lifting business capability, building skills, navigating the digital environment, boosting sustainability, and supporting diversity.

    The delivery of an annual Small Business Week is one of 20 initiatives in South Australia’s Small Business Strategy 2023-2030 which was released in July this year to address common challenges identified by businesses and support them to grow and succeed.

    Small businesses can register at to receive more information about program and registrations when available in early 2024.

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