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Government of South Australia - Department of State Development


    SA economy tops nation

    For the first time ever, South Australia’s economy is ranked number one in the nation according to the CommSec State of the States report, released on 29 January.

    South Australia topped the nation in four of the eight key indicators used to measure and rank economic performance among states and territories.

    The state ranked number one in the nation for economic growth, unemployment, construction work, and the number of dwellings starting to be built.

    This is the latest in a series of nation-leading economic results for South Australia, including:

    • The strongest economic growth of any state in the past year – up 3.8%.
    • The strongest export growth of any state in the past year – up 12%.
    • ANZ Stateometer labelling SA’s economy the best performing in the nation.
    • South Australia’s unemployment rate also hit a record low of 3.6% in recent months.

    DIIS is proud to be supporting South Australia's businesses and industries to succeed at a local, national and global scale.

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