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Government of South Australia - Department of State Development


    Mapping South Australia’s return to a global manufacturing powerhouse

    The Department for Industry, Innovation and Science has today published South Australia’s Advanced Manufacturing Strategy, the State Government’s plan to drive greater economic productivity and complexity by exporting higher value-added goods and services.

    As outlined on the Manufacturing Hub, there are more than 6,700 South Australian manufacturing businesses, representing 6 per cent of South Australia’s total economy, 25 per cent of business research and development, and around 20 per cent of exports.

    In 2021-22 manufacturing grew 10 per cent in South Australia due to higher spending on food, machinery, and equipment (including defence) – the strongest growth in 32 years indicating recovery from the loss of automotive manufacturing in 2017.

    The 10-year Strategy aims to harness South Australia’s competitive advantages to support multi-generational opportunities in defence, the state’s transition to a low-carbon industrial future, and to increase innovation and skilled jobs.

    South Australia’s Advanced Manufacturing Strategy was developed in close consultation with industry, education, unions and community stakeholders, and with the support of Emeritus Professor Roy Green from the University of Technology in Sydney.

    Manufacturing backed by the Economic Recovery Fund

    The Advanced Manufacturing Strategy activation is backed by the first round of the Government’s $122 million Economic Recovery Fund (ERF), the guidelines for which were also released today.

    Round 1 will provide a total of $20 million in co-funding grants or loans for industry development projects and is split into two streams: Manufacturing Innovation and Regional Tourism Infrastructure Development.

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    10th Nov 2023

    Government releases SA Defence Industry Workforce and Skills Report