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Government of South Australia - Department of State Development


    Keeping small businesses in the race to net zero

    South Australia’s small businesses are a crucial part of the economic and societal shift toward more renewable energy and sustainable practices.

    As regulations affect the supply chains of industry, and consumers are increasingly demanding sustainable products and services, small businesses are encouraged to act now to remain competitive.

    Consultation with the small business community in 2022 showed that while almost a third of small businesses are actively addressing environmental or social issues, many struggle to understand how to make environmental sustainability part of their everyday business, or how to begin measuring their carbon footprint, let alone take steps to reduce it.

    DIIS, through the Office for Small and Family Business, is partnering with South Australian company 2XE Pty Ltd to help small and family businesses to improve their environmental sustainability and implement sustainable business practices.

    2XE will deliver up to 18 workshops for an anticipated 360 small businesses to give them the tools to adapt, grow and succeed in a net zero future.

    The first of these workshops will be held on 1 May during Small Business Week – a week-long program of free events, workshops and business-building opportunities.

    During Stage 2 of the program, at least 50 small businesses will have the opportunity to participate in a business sustainability assessment to establish where they’re at now, identify emission reduction opportunities and develop an action plan to implement them.

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