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Government of South Australia - Department of State Development


    $20.2 million funding boost for South Australia’s research and development facilities

    South Australia’s research infrastructure has received a boost as part of a $20.2 million SA Government investment to support South Australia’s National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) facilities.

    The funding, delivered through the Department for Industry, Innovation and Science, was allocated in the 2023-24 State Budget and supports the ongoing operations of 12 NCRIS facilities, equipment upgrades and retention of 119 highly skilled technicians.

    The SA Government’s $20.2 million co-investment is part of an overall $86 million package that leverages $22.1 million from South Australian NCRIS host institutions and $43.8 million from the Commonwealth Government’s NCRIS program.

    NCRIS projects are delivered through research facilities led by the state’s three public universities, the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute and the Australian Wine Research Institute.

    Each project builds on the South Australia’s scientific expertise across multiple sectors, including agriculture, food and wine, health and medical, defence and space, advanced manufacturing, environment and energy.

    Since 2019, South Australia’s NCRIS facilities have supported approximately 6,223 collaborations with researchers and 670 collaborations with industry partners.

    Businesses who would like to learn more about SA’s NCRIS-supported projects or research facilities and equipment to progress research and development ideas, visit

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