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Government of South Australia - Department of State Development


    Free tech training for SA career seekers

    The first cohorts of South Australian students are transitioning from training to employment through innovative education model FORTE (Financing of Return to Employment) – demonstrating excellent early outcomes for both local career seekers and employers within a year of the program’s commencement.

    Backed by the Department for Industry, Innovation and Science, the FORTE pilot program commenced in May 2022, delivering no-cost, high quality training to equip 150 South Australians with the digital skills required to work in the state’s fast-growing hi-tech sectors.

    The pilot program will run for three years, and early indicators are encouraging, with more than 40 per cent of recent FORTE graduates already securing jobs at companies including Avanade, PWC, Accenture, SRA Information Technology and Fleet Space.

    The remaining graduates are actively job-seeking and interviewing, being supported into appropriate employment opportunities by the FORTE team over the next three to six months.

    Designed to increase the diversity of our state’s tech sector, and provide opportunities to those who may otherwise face barriers to employment, the program specifically recruits:

    • Women
    • Young people (ages 18-24)
    • Indigenous Australians
    • People living with a disability.

    Through the FORTE model, training is initially funded by private investors and delivered by local training providers, including Generation Australia, General Assembly, _nology and 42 Adelaide.

    The South Australian Government only makes repayments when a successful employment outcome has been demonstrated – where a participant has secured work in their chosen field, earns a higher income, and generates higher income tax as a result.

    This ensures that, through the FORTE model, the South Australian Government only pays for labour force interventions that work.

    FORTE’s Founder & CEO Dr. Nat Ware said talent is everywhere across South Australia, and that FORTE aims to give everyone the opportunity to learn new in-demand skills, gain financial freedom, and achieve their full potential.

    “FORTE is committed to helping Adelaide become one of APAC’s great tech hubs – and you can’t have a great tech hub without a great tech talent pipeline,” Dr Ware said.

    “I’m especially proud that FORTE is helping to bridge the gender divide in tech. Women returning to work, especially after taking time out to raise a family, are a hidden talent pipeline.”

    FORTE graduate Dani Barry has received multiple attractive job offers since completing just one month of Salesforce training.

    “As a busy mum with three children under the age of five (including twins!), I never imagined that I would be able to go from working part-time in hospitality into a tech career,” Ms Barry said.

    “Thanks to FORTE, I have been able to access the support, guidance and opportunities necessary for a bright future in the field of IT.”

    A small number of places remain for eligible career seekers looking to undertake training in 2023. Courses are available in Software Engineering, Data Analytics, Web Development and Salesforce Development.

    Applications are now open. Visit the FORTE website to learn more and apply.

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