Celebrating outcomes of the SA Innovation Challenge
Three South Australian businesses awarded funding through the SA Innovation Challenge gathered at the Lot Fourteen Startup Hub this week to share and celebrate their project outcomes.
Local startups Goldilocks, Neo Care and Lateral Vision received a total of almost $1 million in 2021 to develop and test new technologies under the theme of ‘Augmenting Ability’ – solutions to help older people to live independently, productively and with dignity in their own homes.
South Australia is in a unique position to embrace innovation to meet the challenges posed by an ageing demographic shift: the state has the highest proportion of older people on mainland Australia with more than 630,000 people aged over 50, 37% of the total population.
The majority of over 65s (95%) live independently at home.
The purpose of the SA Innovation Challenge was to bring researchers, businesses, and customers (end users) together to co-create and test innovative solutions that address problems facing an aging population.
The Challenge encouraged participants to harness frontier technologies across the research and innovation value chain, develop new products or services, and create early market advantage for innovative South Australian businesses.
Overview of projects
About Goldilocks
Developing ‘smart’ attire that allows the wearer and support team (family, carers) to monitor health.
Outcomes to date
Goldilocks ran a successful 3-month trial of the wearable garment with 20 users.
Feedback from this trial has led to Expressions of Interest from 5 aged care providers who are keen to test the device. There have also been 60 pre-sale signups from customers interested in purchasing this device once available.
The project has also allowed for the design of an iOS and Android app for individual users which is now ready for use in commercial trials.
About Neo Care
Supporting older people to remain living independently and safely at home, through the implementation of AI-based audio monitoring that detects risk events like falls.
Outcomes to date
The project included in-home testing of Neo Care’s environmental safety system – with 6 falls detected.
Participants in the trials were very positive, reporting that the device was strongly preferred over alternatives (i.e. pendants) and liked the use of the virtual assistant for reducing false positive alerts to loved ones.
Based on information gathered through the trial process, Neo Care is now seeking industry partners and investment to accelerate their progress to market.
About Lateral Vision
Using augmented reality technologies to develop virtual spaces, helping older people remain engaged in their communities.
Outcomes to date
Lateral Vision ran a successful 6-week pilot project which included hosting a 360° virtual tour of Rottnest Island. The project received overwhelmingly positive feedback from participants from across Australia who used the virtual conferencing platform.
Information gathered throughout the pilot project will drive further development of curated virtual social experiences for older adults.
Results from the project have been published in the Geriatric Nursing Journal and presented at the Australian Association of Gerontology Conference.