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Government of South Australia - Department of State Development


    Attracting SA students to Italian Language studies

    The Department for Industry, Innovation and Science is partnering with the state’s universities to make Italian Language studies more attractive to students and improve outcomes for Italian language in South Australia.

    Through the Italian Language Program, $1 million in State Government funding has been committed over the next three years.

    It comes in response to recent years’ decline in the number of students choosing to study Italian at a tertiary level – despite this being the third most common language spoken ‘at home’ (behind English and Mandarin) in our community.

    Of immediate interest to current and prospective students, the first tranche of funding will be used to support in-country study tours, delivering valuable immersive learning opportunities and further developing students’ Italian language proficiency.

    Priority will be given to funding students who might not otherwise be able to participate.

    Currently, Italian language and culture courses are delivered at Flinders University and the University of South Australia (UniSA), and students from The University of Adelaide are able to undertake Italian language courses at Flinders University.

    Flinders University Vice-Chancellor Professor Colin Stirling says that Italians and Italian-Australians have played an integral part in the history of South Australia.

    “At Flinders University, we are pleased to support and strengthen these connections through our Italian language courses, made possible by this important government funding,” he said.

    “Learning a language not only enriches our lives but also unlocks doors to diverse cultures and global opportunities.

    “In today’s interconnected world, multilingualism is a passport to personal and professional growth.”

    Likewise, Professor Joanne Cys, UniSA’s Provost & Chief Academic Officer, says UniSA has a long history connecting with the Italian community and others interested in learning Italian.

    “We offer courses for students from beginner to experienced levels, and for those interested in Italian topics from arts and culture to science and engineering, as well as those looking for careers in translation and interpreting,” she said.

    “This initiative builds on this history, through funded in-country study tours to Italy which broaden the cultural experiences of students, increase their knowledge of Italian life, industry and innovation, and rapidly advance their fluency in Italian, preparing them to contribute more knowledgably as global citizens, in any career.

    “Study tours are popular with students and are an incentive to further study, so are a welcome first phase of the project.”

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