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Government of South Australia - Department of State Development

    Chief Scientist

    Driving collaboration between science, technology, innovation and business

    The Chief Scientist of South Australia provides independent advice to the Premier of South Australia, the Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science, and Cabinet, on matters of science and research, technology and innovation.

    Supported by the Chief Scientist, Policy & Performance Team within the Department for State Development, the Chief Scientist’s role is to work closely with South Australian Government agencies to:

    • encourage, commission and conduct evaluation of research, technology and innovation strategies, plans, programs and activities
    • monitor the performance and trends of the state’s research, technology and innovation system
    • review the state’s research leadership and workforce, and strategies to attract, develop and retain a high performing research, technology and innovation workforce.

    The Chief Scientist also engages with the Australian Government, business, research institutions and other stakeholders, and represents the state on selected national or international bodies relevant to the state’s interests in research, technology and innovation.

    SIMMONS Wetland Rock Photo 2crop EXTRA LR

    Professor Craig T. Simmons FAA FTSE appointed as South Australian Chief Scientist

    Professor Simmons was appointed in April 2024 and is a leading groundwater scientist, recognised for his contributions to groundwater science, science leadership, education, and policy reform, working across the public and private sectors.

    He is Pro Vice-Chancellor of the College of Engineering, Science and Environment at the University of Newcastle, and was previously Foundation Director of the ARC National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training, Pro Vice-Chancellor Research at Flinders University, and Executive Director for Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Earth Sciences at ARC.

    “I see the role of Chief Scientist as bringing people together, building ideas, supporting innovation in STEMM education and training and drawing focus to great work,” Professor Simmons said.

    “South Australia has a proud scientific tradition, I will work to ensure we have a bright, inclusive and engaged scientific future.”

    Contact the Chief Scientist
